I hate to bad mad mouth other people in the same space as me, but these guys have really done it in for me. Ron Shusterman and Mike Mendez with Foretrust funding and Gemini funding are some of the shadiest individuals in the space. With plenty of controversy surrounding them in previous daily funder posts from other individuals whether or not they are brokers themselves rather than real lenders I always stood up for them until this point.

I am here to confirm that they are in fact BROKERS as well as funders, we have funded a deal with them multiple times under Gemini and come to find out they went behind our back and funded him again without our knowledge and when confronted they lied straight to our face, we have confirmed with the merchant using MTD and a copy of the contract that was coming from Foretrust that they in fact did go behind our back and get in touch with our merchant to fund him this deal and not to pay commission. This is not the first issue we have run into with them and lying about payments made in order to not pay out commission, but this is the final straw for me.

I advise everyone to stay far away from these guys, if they are going to go behind our back to fund a merchant I cant help but assume they are also stealing every file we have sent to them whether they are brokering it out to fund them selves or selling the files off as packaged apps. Either way this is disgusting and these guys are the main reason this industry is so frowned upon. If you are not capable of originating your own deals let alone payout your brokers for bringing you deals you do not deserve to be in business.

Everyone else feel free to share your negative experience(s) with this group of individuals in the thread