Quote Originally Posted by Olderguy View Post
Bro....I have more experience doing SBA loans and I think I made it perfectly clear.

And yes I worked for a direct lender for 5 years, and also he was also doing MCA's (and I did the SBA. term loans, etc). The owner choose not to be on this site and give license information - his choice not mine.

I have helped a lot of brokers and suggesting they go direct for SBA loans, IMHO is not a good use of their time, resources and very limited experience.

Can we say enough said about this stuff....
Dude you're so full of spit. Your linkedin states Aug 2015 to march 2021 you were a senior loan officer at a company that you can't name. That is "confidential" as a loan officer. That's complete bull****. That's the same time period when you solicited business here as a "direct lender". Why? Look at the old post I posted that got you banned, and the job as a senior loan officer on your linkedin. It's offering the same bull**** hybrid loans product. No funder offers term loans, hybrid loans, and mcas. You were obviously a deceptive iso who got banned here for posing as a lender. And I retract my statement it seems you are still deceptive in regards to being full of **** since you just stated that you worked for a direct lender for 5 years, which is in fact bs.