It means they settled because the lawyers worked it out to some Middle grounds and it was cheaper that way. It doesn't mean that the actual case law would have come out in favor of one side or the other. When you see a settlement, you cannot bring a proof to anything.

With a loan, I don't really care if you profit it or not. Your future receivables don't bother me, I hope you're profitable but I don't care. I just care about the principle and interest. A future receivable is not a fancy jargon term, it is an actual reality, as legalese as that sounds it has been accepted, that future fruit that you produce comes to me at a rate that we are predetermining now. I don't care the market value later. However, if there is no fruit then I obviously don't get it. I'm only getting the next 500 tons of grapes at this price. If there's 500 tons of grapes.

In legal discussion, you always must keep definitions consistent so that you don't confuse what you thought should be the truth with what actually ends up being the truth.