Quote Originally Posted by SamuelH View Post

I got 3 deals that need to be funded and they are considered low risk, but I need a deal that makes sense for these clients. The 3 clients have good bank statements but a 50k deal in which they have to pay 1k a day is not going to work. Who can get these clients the funds with a stellar rate of return? I need someone that is good at responding in a timely manner with a track record of getting deals funded.

Thank you

If it's a first position, even at a 1.50, you're saying that all they are getting is a 75-day deal? If they're truly low-risk, you should be able to get a 1.29 sell rate over 6 months from even the places that are not strickly-A-paper funders (Rapid, IOU, Kapitus, OnDeck), and there are a lot of them. Even at a 1.39 over 120 days, that's 580 if it's daily (and not weekly).