Quote Originally Posted by babybroker View Post
Funded a file With Everest twice over the course of 6 months for 25k both times
Both were new deals and not a renewal.
Ana M. Del Rio from Everest "Refinance Dept" Reached out to the merchant Asking if they were looking for more funds and did another 25k deal directly with the merchant.
Merchant has his statements sent to me every month and I noticed that EBF funded .
Just got off the phone with Everest iso support asking for my comm on this file and they said that any deal that is funded with EBF directly is their file and since they took the risk funding the file they are not going to be paying comm here.
Safe to say I will not be working with EBF anymore

if anyone would like to see screenshots of EBF reaching out and funding the file please PM me
If you are looking for a funder that will pay you on your renewals no matter if they paid off or not then feel free to reach out to me. I have files with my iso's that they never spoke to again and the merchant reaches out to me nd i pay them every time. I know the value of renewals and relationship of the merchant and the iso and funder is to keep. We have some different types of programs tha can help you possibly fund several more deals a month that you might be loosing to other companies. Feel free to reach out to me to find out more.

Scott Platto