Quote Originally Posted by pcfunder View Post
Isn't Bitty difficult to deal with as well? Don't they take awhile to respond to emails/phone calls and take 24 hours to fund? I also heard they kill a lot of deals in the back end... just out of curiosity whats the difference between Bitty and the "terrible high risk" dudes?
Reason Bitty kills a lot on the back end is cuz they have an automated program to spit out a basic approval on the front end.

From what I remember once you do decision logic they get an actual human to finalize underwriting and it can get killed.

And the reason I distinguish Bitty from the terrible high risk dudes is that they pay commission and from the deals I've done with them I haven't seen double debits or anything totally outrageous.

Usually relatively good on term & dollar amount as well, not bad to use to build up a file and collect some ZBL's.

Definitely don't fully trust them but I would use them.