Client looking for a unitranche or mezzanine loan for business acquisition.

Business Overview:

Location: Atlanta, GA

Industry: Retail – Liquor Store

EBITDA: $488,000

Inventory Value: $650,000

Loan Request:

Amount: $1,000,000

Inventory Financing: 50% Loan-to-Value (LTV) on inventory

Equity Contribution: $400,000

The requested mezzanine loan will be used to facilitate the acquisition of the liquor store, which has demonstrated strong financial performance and possesses a solid market position in the Atlanta area. The store's EBITDA of $488,000 reflects its profitability and operational efficiency.

In addition to the mezzanine loan, client is committing $400,000 in cash as an equity contribution towards the acquisition. Given the substantial inventory value of $650,000, we are also seeking additional financing with a 50% LTV ratio on the inventory. This combined financing approach will provide the necessary liquidity to support the acquisition and ensure smooth operations post-acquisition.

Any lender willing to look at this please email at