That's right you Hollywood tough guys with your voice-activated engine-starting Bentleys, with the neon light-up interiors, and a stunning doll in the passenger seat with dangerously sharp heels.

Our guys can generate online leads for Merchant Cash Advance, on the fly, in volume, and it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg, and results are guaranteed.

We just partnered with some of the engineers that influence many people's favorite online platform, and we are the front-face of their marketing arm for alternative finance (they do multiple industries). is coming for your key fobs, and we're painting a big letter D on the hood of your S Class, and we’re inviting a few well-run Isos or Funders to join us!

If anyone in the merchant cash advance space has seen the great results that hot qualified ONLINE AD LEADS can bring but has either gotten outspent, were unable to scale, saw prices push them out of the market, or found it took too long with too much trial and error to have a profitable campaign, or couldn't crack the code of eliminating star-ups and smurf-sized merchants, and dreaded defaults…., well today is a wonderful new day and we are looking for a few Iso's to stick their teeth into an exclusive online campaign.

And no, you won’t have to spend the price of multiple body parts to start this campaign. You won’t believe the cost.

Right now, the genie is out of the bottle and the lamp is ready to be rubbed. But we all know how long that usually lasts for. Reach out to us if you have any interest.

(816) 205-8268

It's like the story of a successful broker whose Lamborghini door was ripped by a speeding yellow cab as he was getting out of the car.

The taxi never stopped and the irate, screaming broker demanded the police find them while the cops looked at him and shook their heads, frowning at the materialistic nature of this man, because he didn't even realize his hand had been ripped off.

When he looked at his missing stump, he paused in shock.............., then started screaming even louder.........., because he realized his Rolex was gone.

The moral to the story is, don't be a big city taxi driver. Position yourself for SUCCESS... so you can scream at police officers while sitting in a Lamborghini, with a Rolex watch floating on the street somewhere connected to your well-manicured hand, and reach out to us ASAP!!

(816) 205-8268