Quote Originally Posted by Olderguy View Post
I don't understand the issue here...go into your account, go to manage plan, and click on end your service. What am I missing? It's an annual plan with monthly payments. You are obligated for the annual term even if you cancel.
I am busy, so I'll let ChatGPT explain it. (Sorry it's long, AI did a thorough job)

In the United States, liberals generally do not support a fully free market. Instead, they advocate for a mixed economy where the market operates with significant government regulation and intervention to address market failures, protect consumers, ensure fair competition, and provide public goods and social welfare.

The lawsuit by the Justice Department against the company making it difficult and misleading for customers to cancel their yearly subscription is entirely compatible with the liberal mindset for several reasons:

- Consumer Protection: Liberals generally support strong consumer protection laws. They believe that companies should be transparent and honest in their dealings with customers. When a company employs deceptive practices to make it difficult for customers to cancel a subscription, it violates these principles. The government's intervention ensures that consumers are not being unfairly exploited or misled, aligning with the liberal emphasis on protecting individuals from corporate abuses.

- Regulation to Ensure Fairness: Liberals advocate for regulations that ensure fair business practices. The lawsuit can be seen as a necessary regulatory action to maintain fair market practices. By holding companies accountable for deceptive practices, the government helps maintain a level playing field, which is a core tenet of liberal economic thought.

- Preventing Market Failures: Deceptive practices can lead to market failures where consumers cannot make informed choices. Liberals believe that government intervention is justified to correct such failures. Ensuring that customers can easily understand and cancel subscriptions helps the market function more efficiently, with companies competing on the merits of their products and services rather than on their ability to trap customers in unwanted agreements.

- Support for Rule of Law: Liberals generally uphold the rule of law and believe that laws and regulations should be enforced to protect public interests. If a company is violating consumer protection laws, it is appropriate for the government to take legal action to enforce these laws. This upholds the integrity of the legal system and ensures that companies are held accountable for their actions.

- Empowerment of Individuals: Making it difficult to cancel subscriptions disempowers consumers, forcing them to stay in contracts against their will. The liberal perspective values empowering individuals to make their own choices. Government action to rectify deceptive practices restores consumers' autonomy, allowing them to make free and informed decisions.

In summary, the Justice Department's lawsuit against a company for making it difficult and misleading to cancel subscriptions aligns with the liberal mindset because it focuses on protecting consumers, ensuring fair business practices, correcting market failures, enforcing the rule of law, and empowering individuals. These are all key principles that liberals generally support.