Quote Originally Posted by diditevenfund View Post
Look this space is not for everyone, if a (what I guarantee you) small amount of money sends you into a frenzy like this ,I would strongly advise not being an ISO. You should have money in reserves, and not be relying on one deal. Not saying anyone is right or wrong, but typically when people get this explosive they are under extreme financial distress and running a shop is not a good position for someone that cant absorb a commission. What would have happened if it did not fund, close up shop?
It doesn’t matter if it did not fund because it did, and THAT is the ONLY point. Funders cannot keep GASLIGHTING our contracts as brokers. If we agree to a stipulation that is one thing, but to breach a contract is another. If we knew this would happen, we would have never done business with this funder. It CONSTANTLY happens because they feel brokers can’t or won’t do anything about it.