Quote Originally Posted by NEWCDAM View Post
Thats what I’m saying !

They do not have a valid reason to hold our commission and are intentionally attempting to make us suffer at this point, seemingly in retaliation against us posting in this thread. That is also another illegal offense, causing damage.

The amount being withheld is not an amount that would make, break, or destroy their funding business, that they can’t pay us today.

Had they paid us within the stipulations of out contract, this thread would’ve never existed.

Every action has a reaction, and people rarely enjoy taking ACCOUNTABILITY for their negative actions. But to make us wait 6 months to get paid and there’s no ACTIVE default is ARROGANT and CONTROLLING.

Our contract also said they needed to make sure they were at least repaid 10%, and our client has well exceeded that amount.

There’s no reason for ANY funder to withhold an ISO fee until a deal is fully paid, unless for the purpose of being greedy.

Hence the reasoning for the new CFDL regulations.
Look this space is not for everyone, if a (what I guarantee you) small amount of money sends you into a frenzy like this ,I would strongly advise not being an ISO. You should have money in reserves, and not be relying on one deal. Not saying anyone is right or wrong, but typically when people get this explosive they are under extreme financial distress and running a shop is not a good position for someone that cant absorb a commission. What would have happened if it did not fund, close up shop?