Quote Originally Posted by Oxforddan View Post
So sue them instead of crying on dailyfunder. Or don't, at this point who cares. All you are doing is making yourself look worse.
How we look to another person doesn't matter actually. We're doing nothing wrong by coming to a forum and having an important conversation, that's what it's for.

It's actually creating awareness and generating both of our companies new LIKE-MINDED business partnerships and opportunities.

More than 10% was paid on this advance already, and 30days makes next week. We did right and our part, and this never needed to happen to us.

These situations are common because brokers like to gaslight and accept things the way they are, even if it’s not right.

MCA funders thrive off of not paying out commissions, feeling ISOs can’t and/or won’t do anything to counter their decisions.

ISOs and Funders have agreements in place for a reason, and if ISOs did anything to breach that agreement, they would not hesitate to enforce their commitment to it.

If they get to regulate on that convoluted seemingly one-sided agreement, we can as well. That’s what it’s there for.