Last week OpenAI released their latest version Chat GPT, which is Chat-GPT4o. When Chat GPT was first released 18 months ago it was version 3.5, then 4, then 4-Turbo... (and lots of minor iterations in-between those massive improvements)

There are some major differences between these, here's the breakdown:

Speed: How fast the GPT can answer your questions. Chat GPT-4o is the fastest, followed by Chat GPT-4 Turbo, and then Chat GPT-3.5.

Price: How much it costs to use GPT. Chat GPT-4o is the cheapest, followed by Chat GPT-4 Turbo, and then Chat GPT-3.5.

Input Length: How many words or characters you can use when asking a question. Chat GPT-4 Turbo and Chat GPT-4o can handle really long questions (128K tokens), while Chat GPT-3.5 can only handle shorter ones (2048 tokens).

Knowledge Cutoff: How up-to-date the GPT's knowledge is. All three have knowledge up to April 2023, but Chat GPT-4 Turbo and Chat GPT-4o have more recent information up to October of '23.

Multimodal Capabilities: What types of media the GPT can understand and respond to. Chat GPT-4o can handle text, images, audio, and video, while Chat GPT-4 Turbo can only handle text and images. Chat GPT-3.5 can only handle text.

Reasoning and Coding Intelligence: How well GPT can think and solve problems. Chat GPT-4o is the best, followed by Chat GPT-4 Turbo, and then Chat GPT-3.5.

Multilingual Support: How well GPT can understand and respond to different languages. Chat GPT-4o is the best, followed by Chat GPT-4 Turbo, and then Chat GPT-3.5.

Vision and Audio Understanding: How well the it can understand and interpret images and audio. Chat GPT-4o is the best, followed by Chat GPT-4 Turbo, and then Chat GPT-3.5.

Response Time: How fast the robot responds to your questions. Chat GPT-4o is the fastest (average response time of 320 milliseconds, which is comparable to a human, which will be great for voice), followed by Chat GPT-4 Turbo, and then Chat GPT-3.5.

Context Window: How much context it can understand when answering questions. Chat GPT-4o has the longest context window, followed by Chat GPT-4 Turbo, and then Chat GPT-3.5.