Quote Originally Posted by JasonBishop View Post
Ed it looks good. What I was asking him is if he is getting traffic to the site. Without it, it's just a shiny widget. Which is cool, looks good. I'm sure it has the capability to plug in with other use cases like SMS, email but it appears the discussion here is a website. One of the bigger costs here to consider is getting people on site before anyone can interact with it.
You put up a website because you anticipate eyeballs on it.

The question you should be asking is: How do I convert those (after hours) eyeballs that DO see my website?...

Do I hire someone for $6 an hour from the Philippians to sit on my site ready to answer any question and hopefully get them to send in a full package? 6pm - 9 am m-fri = 75hrs plus 48 on weekends is ~$750 a week

Or do I use Ed's bot which is way more cost effective, faster and never even takes a coffee break?