Quote Originally Posted by jsop View Post
Does anyone have recommendations for automating certain workflows in invoice factoring specifically:
- OCRing invoices and Purchase Orders
- Matching these together (so I know it's the right PO for a given invoice)
- Validating the invoice with the merchant
- Reconciling invoices end of month with the the transactions

Right now it seems that the only way is doing this all manually which doesn't scale well! Recommendations welcome.
Yeah.....unfortunately the invoice factoring market is not big enough for software companies to build dedicated tech to support said automations. I think you could probably figure out how to automate a portion of it but automating all of it is going to be a tough ask.

We have some of the tools above. Give us a look. Maybe with Zapier and a few other tools it could get you down the road.


Trey Markel
Centrex Software
VP Sales & Marketing
(888) 622-5810