Guys come on now!! These comments are just plain ridiculous!!

We have @ridextreme and @diditevenfund saying they don't trust online platforms dedicated to MCA and then we have @mistamca asking if an online platform not dedicated to MCA could potentially be dedicated to MCA. I mean please guys!!

There are all sorts of platforms in the United States that are dedicated to industry's or products within industries that are good solid software companies trying to offer a good quality product where your data is very safe from the software companies themselves. Industries that are far more corrupt and dirty than MCA and industries that are far cleaner than MCA and everything in between.

When looking at any vendor within any industry, do your research. What do they offer? What are their security protocols? Do they hold certificates for compliance? Do they perform annual testing for certain systems etc etc etc. Making a blanket statement that MCA industry specific systems shouldn't be trusted is just not correct.

My thoughts.

Trey Markel
VP Sales and Marketing
(888) 622-5810 ex 101