We can all agree that brokers are taking over this industry. There are more brokers than species of roaches and we all know roaches just don't die... so, will brokers become this force that can't be stopped?


Most of you read this article in Debanked (If you didn't- read it). My position in this industry has lead me to helping other brokers. It just happened that way. I, in no way, wanted to start my own company when I came into this industry. I simply wanted to be an underwriter and be Business Development for a company that I believe in. That didn't happen because like most "Broker" companies, once your employee learns too much or becomes good at what they do, they don't treat you as an asset- but more so push you away. This may not be the case 100% of the time, but I've seen it done over and over. I took the relationships that I built on my own word, trust, and willing to assist when others said "No" and pushed them in the right direction to succeed. It took me two years to make the decision to register my company and push forward and it's hard and there isn't enough hours in the day. Did I ever think this would be my life? No. But I make the best of it and have met wonderful people who have inspired me to keep going. They count on me to help them. So, new ISO or not, there is a need for a person to help get them on track. I can lead a horse to water, but that doesn't mean I can't make them drink...

As for the individuals who go out on there own (whether we spoke or not, or if we work together) there are things you need to understand and I stress. WITHOUT Lending companies, you would not be brokering. I live by the 24 Month motto. YOU as a BROKER have a 24 Month expiration date (IF you last that long). Someone needs to be blunt about this. You can't expect to run around with no rules forever. Most of you are trying to milk everything you can get from this cash cow but you are not paying attention.

What I am trying to say is DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Research, go through the information lenders send you- that is your key selling features. Create your own from there. INDUSTRY SPECIFIC marketing. Put yourself in the merchants shoes and understand what they want and need and if you CAN'T give it to them... move on. You have to go through the "No" Businesses to get to the "Yes" Businesses.

What is your opinion or suggestions for the NBOTB (new brokers on the block)? Are you a broker? How did you get started? Are you successful? Share...