Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Henry-Seacoast View Post
Hi DF,

It has been a while since I posted under my real user name. I am VERY happy to inform factoring and ABL advisors that I have rejoined Seacoast Business Funding, a division of Seacoast Bank.

We provide flexible working capital facilities in the forms of payroll funding, factoring, ledgered receivables facilities, and asset based lines of credit to corporate customers nationally. Because we are bank owned we are usually much more cost effective than non-bank finance companies. Because we are a division OF the bank, we can be much more flexible than factors/asset based lenders that are groups within their bank.

Our ideal client:

-Based anywhere in the US selling goods and services to corporate or government customers.
-Facility needs from $500,000 to well over $25,000,000
-We always lead with receivables, but can include inventory and/or M&E as an accommodation to a receivables facility-in formula.
-Industries we know VERY well: Staffing, Consumer Products, Business Services, Government Contractors, Specialty Manufacturing/Wholesalers.

-We do pay referral fees once an actionable prospect has been presented.
-I do NOT work with anyone using fee email accounts.
-I do NOT work with anyone with a subject past. If you have been barred from the financial services industry or have an arrest record, do not contact me.
-Do NOT share any prospect information through email. I have a secured file sharing network that can be used for prospect reviews.
-I am NOT a broker. Please DO NOT contact me asking to sign up as an ISO.
-If you would like to learn more about us, please send an email with your full contact details and I will gladly schedule a call.


wow congratulations to Seacoast Business Funding for getting you back. Really great news going into the weekend. Wonderful mothers day gift for my wife once I let her know your back.

Is there a press release link for this announcement that you can provide so that I can share with my network?