I think it is important that brokers be wary of who the deal with, sorry but you were what, cold calling an IPO scam like its 1988?

With so many guys just buying and flinging backdoors and packs, saying they have this that and the other, and no online reviews, a dead website, supposedly changed names per another comment up here, and every other red flag possible, how can you think posting this up on DF is going to go well?

Kudos to you on a second chance, but potentially not promoting like you mentioned (vs promoting while doing it) and creating customers in the shadows is the best thing to do. What better way to combat questions on your reputation then by having no red flags and a lot of social proof to point to? That would be a mic drop situation for you wouldn't it?

Would like to see brokers stay safe, everyone getting ripped left and right. If you are doing a good job, good, the social proof should take care of addressing that for you silently moving ahead.