Quote Originally Posted by MovingMoney View Post
instead of buying worthless leads that have been used and abused.

Create your own AI social media ads, pick certain industries that are not restricted and go full blast.
break thru the ice.

I do that and I'm funding US and Canadian deals

While generating your own leads is always the best long-term value, what you just suggested is a 6-month plan, at minimum, with a high spend and no guarantee he'll have made one dollar at the end of it.

He would have had one amazing education though, and it will feel like he spent college tuition to obtain it.

It's a tough question you ask, Missouri, because it's one of the most common questions new people have, it's also the 6 million dollar question (and the answer is worth about 6 million dollars, if not more), and the cost to obtain that answer FEELS like you spent 1 million dollars (in time, money spent, and headaches) to learn it.

The feeling veterans in this industry get when asked a question like that, is the same as if you walked up to a random stranger and asked to borrow their house and their car for the next 60 days, for free, all utilities paid.

There are some people who will give you a bit of a nudge in the right direction, sometimes.

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