Quote Originally Posted by abfunders View Post
Why are you dictating what this person should do? Maybe he doesn't have the tech skills to start up from scratch. Maybe he doesn't like being independent and/or wants a base salary and prefers to chill out at night, rather than work until 9am as a startup. Maybe he's not a business owner personality. Maybe he doesn't know the industry's best practices these days. Maybe he's been out of the game long enough and he just wants to "plug and play." Maybe he doesn't want to hang around DF and risk you begging him to do CC splits with him or "recommending" an SBA at 3am.

I have also personally helped someone who was never in the industry try to get a job. Why should someone with experience be worse?

I guess Dave prefers someone posting "I'm a new ISO, send me agreements" so that you can send him info on the GenieCard. pcfunder isn't in "panic" mode, and you don't have to comment because you aren't hiring him. Dave, you are a depressing jerk, your "content" doesn't help anyone, just stop.
Look in the mirror when seeking "A JERK" I simply stated why would not a person seeking a "remote position" with his credentials,
not post himself. A very simple inquiry, that does not require a jerk like yourself to respond.

As for cc splits, that is the original MCA Product and still remains today a viable product for many business owners.
BTW, IF my content is meaningless, why do you continue to read my posts ?