Looking for a Funder for the following:

I have an engineering company making $10k in remits/week. 1 daily, 2 weekly's.

The daily is a payment arrangement on a default + 2 more positions.

Total Balances approx. $140k with about 6-8 months left among all 3 positions.

Average gross monthly rev past 3 months. (DEC-JAN-FEB) = $105k.

Anyone able or willing to do a reverse or other deal structure? Or is this wishful thinking? (Gotta ask seeing the types of deals that get funded sometimes)

Gentleman is looking to lower payments and cash out max for pending projects that will increase bottom line.

FICO is approx. 580.

Reasonable explanation for default. It's the only one in roughly 5 years of intermittently taking on MCA's. Currently making timely payments on it.

Please DM