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Need a pitch deck with LOI's, etc
Yup, can you imagine how horrible it would be for someone to publish that publically. I'd probably get fired with a nice lawsuit on my hands.

You don't set the standards, the lender does.
Yes and no, you know what the willing is, and the borrower is in a strong position from the trash you get daily. How many companies generate 17.8MM in TTM needing non-trad funding with 50MM in IP (oops, did I slip that).

Bridge against sale....who is the buyer?
Again, not how that works. Unless do you want to me my co-defendent against S&Ps!

Exclusive?....really?...on a national forum?
Dictionary states: restricted or limited to the person, group, or area concerned.

I am well in my right to be right on the terminology.

He and I both may have sources....reach out...
I believe it's called a reach around! (WAIT!)....

ALL in jest of course! I figured you'd post first .

I am sure they will talk to you soon Steve.