Quote Originally Posted by Back Pocket Funder View Post
Richie from bay advance is another one (or whatever your name is and what company you work for)
Guys educate your merchants since this needs to come to an end. Real hard working Americans are losing businesses and getting screwed because greedy cowards are too soft to actually sell the product. We lose money from this so don't forget to tell all of your clients about these scams that are getting pitched to literally everyone. See attached.....scumbag.PNG
This guys cant even put together a proper sentence. How are merchants trusting him?

'We have you approved as of now is for $50,000'
'Is going to be a 2 contract deal'
'build a relationship to see if you a good merchant'
'If your not interested on the first deal we this up for you also'
'Is going to be a 1 contract deal'
'for any questions please call me'

jesus christ