Quote Originally Posted by admin View Post
Just a reminder that anyone offering to sell: full packs, backdoors, bank statements, personal merchant info like socials, etc will be banned. Please dm this account or email webmaster@dailyfunder.com if you see anyone attempting to do this on the forum.

Really? its as though you had an Epiphany that there is the possibility of Lead Companies selling Client info? Really? -------go down the list of lead companies and every one of them sells Full Packs and associated is the client's company and personal info.....look in your DF directory that pay you to advertise - all of your lead companies sell client info./complete packages .... and so do the lenders themselves - I don't endorse it but its a reality...Alternative lending is the home of the Devil - when the lenders wont let you into Bank Heaven ----your only alternative is Alternative Funding Hell ......wild west of lending and everyone carries a gun ---- LOL