Hi all,

I work for a broker that mostly specializes in the trucking and construction equipment industry. I have a relationship with a cosmetic laser manufacturing company and have received 10+ applications of varying creditworthiness and just can't seem to get any of them approved/funded with my current list of banks. These lasers are typically $50-60k in price and the applicants tend to have 2+ years TIB with 650+ scores. The main snag I have hit is that a lot of my banks want the applicants to be medically licensed in some capacity and most of the applicants have certifications but not medical licenses specifically.

We are open to unconventional funding methods I just need to find somewhere that we can get these done with relative consistency. Please feel free to shoot me any suggestions you may have as this is my first post in this forum, so any advice or direction is greatly appreciated!

Carson Sparks
email: carson@hilfinancial.com
text me: 425-505-5900