Quote Originally Posted by Olderguy View Post
I've gotten a lot of calls lately from brokers who have deals (real estate, purchase order financing, development, large W/C bridge loans to take out MCA) and came to me asking for help.

So here's how I have been handling these.

I suggest the broker do a conference call with me and the merhant. Introduce me as a Senor Loan Officer and Underwriter.

I do the discovery on all the options that might be available to the merchant. In listening to the call, the broker learns about programs where they have little experience.

If this becomes a regular pattern, I tell the broker that I can set myself up with a separate email signature using their company signature. Thus I can email back and forth with the clients as if I am really a part of the company. The only drawback is my email still shows steveprobiz@gmail.com

I have a couple of broker shops who have set me up in their email systems with my own email so it really shows I am part of the company.

They also have the ability to listen to the calls and learn.

I am more than willing to work with you guys so you can expand your operations into areas you don't have a current level of knowledge. Eventually you won't need me and will be able to handle these calls yourselves.

On the other hand, you may just want to let me handle the whole package and just leave yourself to dealing with more valuable MCA business.

Just thought I'd pass this along to help you expand your business into unfamiliar areas.
This belongs in promotions Old Timer.