Quote Originally Posted by lokkesmoe64 View Post
Does anyone do LOC's on credit card processing of 1.7 million a year .. There credit is in 700's . They want 500k or 1 million but I told them I don't think that is reality.

Thank you

Cheryl Robinson
C 623 418 4041
Robinson & Associates LLC
A business doing around 140k a month will not qualify for that much money in one shot you are correct. My company does cc splits. Our renewals work kind of like a loc. As long as we are first position or renewals we do not refinance the balance to start the deal over again for the merchant to pay double. We just extend the term out longer and wait to get paid on the new money when the old one finishes. I have merchants that been with me for many years and paid a total of between 25-39% total over several years.

Scott Platto