Wait, so you’re upset that an A/B paper funder is enforcing a stacking fee because your merchant took funds from a D paper funder and put them at risk?? Simply is very well known in the industry I’m sure their contract states that there is a fee associated with stacking them (like many others have in their docs as well). If I’m not wrong Kapitus enforces the same and the penalty for stacking Kapitus is 10k, are you gonna make a post saying they’re money hungry individuals as well?

Your merchant should’ve been informed on the penalty for stacking, if you were the one that gave them Delta and weren’t transparent then that’s your fault and maybe you should send your client the 2k due to your lack of transparency.

If you’re gonna walk that line and **** comes crashing down then own up to it instead of pointing fingers and trying to slam someone’s reputation they worked hard to build.