Recently the FCC indicated it was going to modify its guidelines for consent to close the “lead generation loophole” this action could have disastrous affects on the MCA space as many of you buy data without the 1 to 1 consent the FCC will require in the future. Basically this rule change will make TCPA cases come to you harder and faster than ever before, and these lawyers will win a larger % of them.

Im not going to go into what will happen if 1 to 1 consent is passed, you can view some of my other posts here and just reach out and ill explain it more. If it passes it will be disastrous for many.

The good news is that the proposed rule will not go into effect for at least a year, so there will be a lot of time to prepare for its impact (if needed). We will continue to learn more about the rule and share what we learn with you.

The purpose of the post today is that we can potentially influence the direction of the rule. The FCC has opened a comment period on the regulation until January 31. We are asking you to take the time to submit formal comments against the “One-to-One Consent” rule. Below is a step-by-step guide on submitting a comment and an excellent example of a comment already filed. The more companies the FCC hears from and the potential negative impact the rule might have on them, the more likely they will modify it.

We would really appreciate it if you could take 15 minutes to share your thoughts with the FCC before January 31. Themes which will have an impact with the FCC:

• Highlight that you are a small business (i.e., less than 500 people)
• The “One-to-One” Consent rule will negatively impact your business through higher marketing and compliance costs and lower revenue.
• As a result of this rule, you would have to reduce operations and potentially layoff employees (if applicable)

I appreciate your help. While Pop Brands is watching this rule closely, we are confident that either the rule will change or we will implement one of the many work arounds we are developing to continue to offer high value leads to our clients.

Steps to submit a comment with the FCC:

1. Visit FCC site here:
2. Choose which type of comment you would like to provide – Standard Filing or Express Comment.

Please post and help this thread get visibility so more in the industry can submit comments and hopefully end this 1 to 1 consent from happening.