Quote Originally Posted by Olderguy View Post
The middle class is funding the country. The rich are practicing tax avoidance. Capitalist society is correct - it rewards the rich and taxes the poor. Never a Robin Hood around when you need him.

Big money funds the politicians. Politicans support what gets them re-elected using big money. The little guys always lose.
Steve, those are facts, however it doesn't necessitate throwing the entire system into the garbage. The good news is that thanks to American-brand capitalism, the vast majority of peoples standards of living have increased. Food, transportation, travel - all cheaper and easier than it was 300 years ago. Our qualifications of "poverty" today in the USA are higher than some of the biggest rich people in Vilinus 300 years ago. Who doesn't have a washing machine and dryer? How about indoor plumbing and running hot and cold water? Electricity? Heating and cooling? (Well, we might lose the last set if we go too quickly to renewable.)