Quote Originally Posted by Olderguy View Post
Look - I realize that most of you on the forum only know MCA, reverse and debt consolidation and that's the only thing you offer your clients....and I underatand there's good money in it...however there is a much larger universe out there that you all need to expand your awareness around that for clients that get themselves into this type of situation.

Guy doesn't need a reverse he needs a virtual CFO to tell him how to run his business.

We have access to an accounting services team to figure why he is in such a mess.

Does he have any property we can use to take out the MCA's?

Does he have trucks free and clear we can do sale leasebacks to get funds?

Does he have factoring in place?

Reach out because a reverse isn't what this guy needs.

Sooner or later this industry will be regulated and you will have an ethical (and legal) responsibility to know these other options that are in the best interests of the client. Buy and sell rates will be illegal as "back end" did in the mortgage industry. There will be no more buy rate....just one sell rate.

exactly. there will be more and more regulation coming down, state by state. this will be similar as things were in the mortgage industry, then the party will be over