Yes, thank you for brining up the "funding call", with the broker being absent on the funding call, IS the exact setup of the fraud, conveniently setup by the MCA together with the broker. The funding call has no value if the broker is absent from the recorded funding call, so it is a scam setup by the MCA and the broker jointly, to intentionally distribute the "responsibility" factor, making it harder for anyone to be responsible. Because when the fraud is exposed, the broker is nowhere to be found, and the "MCA lender" conveniently says "we do not know what the broker told you, and you didn't say anything on the "funding call". What a perfect scam setup!

You see, the fraud works like this: In these scams, a major part of it is the broker convincing the merchant to not say anything during the "funding call". And during the funding call, the MCA asks "has anyone promised you anything else?". And who do you think "ANYONE" is referring to but the broker? So if that "anyone" IS the broker, why isn't the broker on the call at the same time with the merchant during the "funding call"? The answer is simple- because the funding call, IS the actual main part of the scam orchestrated by the MCA and the broker. It is intentionally done so, so the "blame" is offloaded completely on the merchant, while the main scam entities (the MCA and the broker) cover their tracks.

Therefore, we go back to my original post- The ONLY one responsible in this bait and switch, IS the actual source of funds that generate this toxic environment. This would be the "MCA" funding company along with investors hiding behind it. Hold these people responsible, and you will see how fast this bait and switch stops.

But of course, no one wants this to stop, as the bait and switch is the natural part of the operation, and they WANT their scam to continue, while "not being responsible".