Quote Originally Posted by MichaelP View Post
Specifically, the FCC will require marketers to obtain “one-to-one consent” before contacting consumers. The FCC will prohibit certain practices, such as asking for consumers’ consent to share their information with “partner companies” or “marketing partners,” including when the lists of those entities are only available in small print or through a hyperlink. Under the new order, “sharing lead information with a daisy-chain of ‘partners’ is not permitted.” Rather, “texters and callers must obtain a consumer’s prior express written consent for calls or texts from a single seller at a time.” There are no explicit exceptions to the FCC’s “one-to-one consent” requirement for affiliated companies operating under the same corporate ownership umbrella or that share a common brand.

What are you doing if anything to support people that purchase data from you to help them avoid the FCC's new regulations?

You cant buy data and be compliant to the new FCC rules.

The only compliance is to buy freshly generated leads, any "aged" data is essentially a TCPA lawsuit waiting to happen after the FCC rule is implemented and enforced in the summer.

The onus is on the buyer to ensure you have consent when you buy leads/data, and the only consent that's valid is where the user is online in a real time situation opting in to you specifically calling them back.

Data will still flourish though, those companies who don't care and can shut down and open as a new name to shake the lawsuits will still be out there, but just like 10DLC in September wiped some people out the new 1 to 1 consent will do the same in the summer

Data brokers will survive this, but their client pool will diminish.

The real blow to data brokers is the must delete laws that started with California, those come with fines to data sellers.