Quote Originally Posted by treymarkel View Post
Here is the best and most efficient way we have seen Centrex clients collect financial data and other business data from borrowers.

Build a form on your website where one of the steps on the form has the Plaid or MX tech built into it. However, on that page have an option to upload PDF bank statements for those merchants that simply don't trust putting in their bank login credentials. This gives the merchant the option which we have discovered they very much appreciate. Build an email template in your CRM where the link to the web form is in that template which you can then send out at any time.

NOTE ON PLAID: Plaid has two end points that you can hit for gathering financials data. One is called their Asset Report endpoint, which pulls in a PDF on Plaid letter head for that connected bank or credit union. The other endpoint is their Transaction endpoint which pulls in raw financial data in xml format and you have to sparse the data on your own. The Asset Report endpoint is what you will need if you are a broker as you need to submit files to funders. Most funders use the Transactions endpoint.

Centrex has a tool where all of this is built in and ready to go. The nice part about our tool is that Plaid is fully integrated and it will update the record in the CRM as the merchant fills out each question on the form etc. If the merchant leaves the form on step 3 for example, at least you have some data to work with. Give it a look.


Trey Markel
VP Sales and Marketing
You are 100% on needed to get it formatted to an assest report. This allows the report to be compatible with money thumb or whatever bank statement reading software the funder is using