Quote Originally Posted by Capital F View Post
What's up, guys?

I hope everyone is having a fantastic Funding Wednesday! I hope your funding is like CRACK in the 80's!

For anyone who is in the MIAMI area and looking to make a serious bang in the industry. We are now hiring reps.

If you are worried about commission percentage go elsewhere. If you are worried about leads go elsewhere. If you are not ready to sit and dial 350 numbers daily. We aren't made to conceive financial babies together.

If you ARE looking to make a legit $25,000 a month after 4-5 months of true hustle and get trained by REAL OGS that do not scam, or BS merchants. That works to have good relationships with funders over the last 8 years.

Well drop me your number, and I will call you to see if you are ready to be a WOLF. Or are you just the boy who cried 1.49 and didn't even get a PSF for yourself?

We taking it back to 2019. PARR FUNDING style. Not in SCAMS but IN COMMISSIONS RECEIVED!


To all applicants: that means you you can expect to be charged with RICO and expect a FCC & SEC investigation.

Go get em, killer.