Quote Originally Posted by BR-Nightmare View Post
If you've been around since second source funding, you'd know TCB is a Ms.

Including 3 of the most negative associations possible to the industry is where you ****ed up.

Par???? Wolf of Wallstreet??? PSF????

I'm sure you're also selling LOC?

My guy I've been around since Yellowstone was a funder, not a TV show. Rapid was doing CC splits with 0 UCC finings, BFS was around, and Marcus was at Mantis

I apologize for not knowing MS confidents gender... as if that relevant at all. Man, Woman, Wolf, Dog, Lion, Whatever the F someone is. They invited to dial.

Negative? BROKERS LOVED PARR! They paid so much commission without CLAWBACK for a good amount of time.

Wolf of Wall Street is a great movie... IDK how that can be a negative reference we don't scam stocks, we fund 49% interest loans. Just so you know...

PSF--- If you aren't taking money for your time as a broker might as well go work at Mcdonalds. Of course I take a normal amount and only with my funders that allow me too.

Your talking like you been around since 2018 WOW! Next thing you know your gonna tell me you were funding before COJ got banned.

Mr NightMare...... Your name says it all... stick to stacking last chance funding -- if you want i can refer you to a good debt collection company.

Nightmare Debt Collector.