Hope everyone is having a great day! Looking to sign up New ISO's. Please contact me for details!

We are fast, Honest, and efficient! See below guidlines!

Positions: 1st-6th so long as there's room
Reverses?: YES
Buyouts?: Not often
Paper Type?: B-D
Restricted Industries: None. If the file is good enough we will fund. Some industries will be under additional scrutiny however
Restricted States: UT and VA
TIB: 1 Year
# OF DEPOSITS: 5 per month
Prior Defaults?: NO.
Minimum Rev: 20k
Negative Days/NSFs: 5 per month
Minimum Funding: 10 Thousand
Max Funding: 1 Million
Flexes?: Yes, not often
Minimum Term: 50 Days
Maximum Term: 140 Days
Average Daily Balances: 1 Thousand (avg per month)

All that being said, we are incredibly flexible as well. If there is something you need to get a deal done, you let me know and I'll immediately push it through.

Joey Lati
ISO Relations
63 Tresser Blvd, 9th Floor, Stamford, CT, 06901, United States