Alex Shvarts CEO. But you can call me dude any time. And you are?

Now back to relationships. Many of the established Funders like us do direct marketing and advertising. Just go on google and search and you’ll see ads. For example how many of you send deals To OnDeck? See the ads on TV?

Now sure there are bad folks in this business who will take your deals and screw you. That’s just how it is and always has been. Invest time into getting to know your Funders, go meet them, see their operations. Don’t just send files to everyone.

FundKite has been around since 2015, and we take relationships with ISO’s very seriously and respect the hard work put into generating a good deal. No one can who works with us can say we back door deals. That is of course if they don’t hide behind a profile.

Now sure I’ll see a lot of responses, there are a lot of sleuths on forums. That’s okay, that’s what people do when they have so much free time.

Always available to connect and give my guidance and assistance as I have done for years.

Wishing everyone a great December and Happy Holidays.