Quote Originally Posted by FundKite View Post
Clown Post. ��

We dont backdoor deals.

If you think your deal has been back-doored by FundKite, Don't hide behind a Profile. Contact us and lets go Public.
No one accused you of back dooring any deals they were only surprised to see so many funders signed up as brokers for another funder.

After 30 days or whatever, every file that comes in to anyone is fair game, which I definitely agree with and expect. It's also almost impossible to prove a file's been back doored anyway since the merchants are all getting bombarded every day by other ISOs.

However, If you called an employee into your office to talk with them about taking too many days off and the first thing they yell out is "I NEVER BACK DOORED ANY OF MY FILES", it wouldn't really look too good for them.