Quote Originally Posted by abfunders View Post
Let me clarify. I am doing a $1.8mm SBA on real estate co-brokering and they're paying 1.25%, which I'm splitting as well. However, they are really a lot of work to focus on them when there's a lot of money to be made from factoring and this other type of financing I'm involved with. It's way easier to refer you to bank who I know do SBAs. Unless it truly is a slam dunk. Anyone can contact me to speak about this other type financing, it's really sweet deal and pays waaaay better.
And yet again proving that the SBA stuff is always more trouble than it's worth. Huge financial backlog and taxes due to her mother's declining health from 5 years ago and she's working through it. If she had just filled out the 8821's two weeks ago we would have saved a lot of heartbreak. Now we're pivoting to hard money until we have the permanent take-out. (SIGH)