Quote Originally Posted by mistamca View Post
Machine Learning has been in the MCA space for a while now. ML or AI isn't going to disrupt a UW's job anytime soon. The amount of data you need to have a profitable model is a ton & it is not like you can buy performance data to train your model.

Like most jobs, AI will be a tool rather than replacing you. Imagine if you had a license to MCA insights like the relationship between withhold & defaults within industries & regions. While it might be very valuable information, it is one piece of a very large puzzle.
I couldn't agree more. I will also add that risk models require change and need to naturally evolve based on all sorts of different data points that will most likely be specific to your portfolio and funding decisions you have made in the past. The data sets are far too extensive and require too much customization at the moment for AI to completely take an UW out of a job. Now what I will say is that at the moment, AI could very much help an UW make faster and better decisions but again, based on what?

Anyway, we are approached by AI companies on a regular basis these days and each time we have a conversation on this topic, the conversation always finds itself at a dead end.

My thoughts

Trey Markel
VP Sales & Marketing
(888) 622-5810