Most of you know (if you've seen any of my posts) that I'm pretty new to the industry and I thought it would be funny to some of you old hats to hear about some of my experiences thus far.

Most recently I've been buying leads from several vendors in an attempt to jump start my revenue until I can organically generate my own traffic. I've bought a little bit of everything.

Recently I spent several thousand dollars on "full submission packets" from a reputable vendor on the forum. After working my ass off for a month on them I was notified by my underwriting team that I had submitted "more bogus junk" in a month than they've seen in years from several other ISO's combined. I explained about the new lead source and they requested to see the docs I was sent. I picked 6 out of 60 randomly and sent them over. Every single one of them was photoshopped and scrubbed of identifiers. They explained to me in detail that basically I bought someone else's un-fundable junk that they bundled together, photoshopped and then sold to me as "quality, fresh 24hr leads). In reality what I had done is purchased backdoor'd leads from a company who KNEW what they were doing and tried to cover it up. They knew it was illegal and did it anyway.

When I brought this to said company's attention they told me that the fault was my own because "these leads are for closers and maybe I didn't know how to close properly." I then explained that I was never given the opportunity to close because not a single deal I submitted received any offers. They were either just funded or fraudulent or had no idea what an MCA was.

The company agreed to then give me an "equal" amount of traditional leads (i.e. name, email, phone, minimum $30k, etc etc). I accepted the 20k leads and then ran the list through a email verification checker and found that 27% of the leads they sold me had bogus emails.

Now I'm a simple guy and new to the business but when 100% of your leads are stolen and fraudulent and you replace them and THOSE are 27% bogus I'm beginning to think I might be getting taken advantage of.

Am I just being critical or are these numbers are in-line with whatever else is seeing?