Before you do business with anyone heres a few things to look for

Their email. Is a free email like gmail or an actual website. If a gmail run fast.

Their website, is a cookie cutter template with very little content about them? Might be a red flag. Go to and check their url to see when it was registered, most places fail within a year, if they registered the URL recently, red flag.

Do they accept credit cards/paypal or is it ACH/Wires only? if the bank wont give them a credit card processing account theres a reason why.

This is a tough business, be prepared to fail like this a dozen or more times, even when you find a good lead source you may not have a good funder network to fund those leads, building relationships with funders seems to be a big piece of the puzzle, getting lender A to bend a little to fund your guys is how the big shops move those deals through the pipeline. Just starting out you wont have that juice like they do.