Hello guys and gals, so I was in the merchant service industry for about 14 years until the covid era 2020. I dabbled in the MCA and other alt financing, but mainly was in the high risk / ecomm merchant service space.

My career situation has been changing and I am thinking of re-entering the business loan broker industry again...not merchant services. It has been a few years and I was wondering if a lot has changed post Covid. i.e. MCA, LOC and SBA. For instance is Celtic Bank still the go to for SBA? etc. I saw an ad from BLB... Business Loan Brokers. I have previous experience, but was wondering if this program would be a nice primer / refresher getting back in. Does anyone have any experiences, good and/or bad with BLB? Or can and should I do this on my own?

I think the biggest challenge is setting a system for a consistent flow of warm in coming leads.

Thank you to anyone that can comment and assist me with my questions. This is a serious inquiry.

Kind regards... my fellow professionals.