Quote Originally Posted by Dailyfrog View Post
Who does revolving LOC (besides greenwich / gcm) at the 1.30's to 1.40's range ?
theres multiple lenders out there that will do a real LOC and way cheaper. I personally work with bluevine the most. They will do 250k 12 months at 12% for A+ FIRST POSITION LOC, but also up to a second position 6 month LOC. Must be 2 years plus in business in the same location. 650+ score is a weekly payment and 700+ is monthly. They pay out 3 points. If you're not set up with them let me know i have no problem subbing the deal to them for you. I'm James Exarchou. Everyone calls me Jimmy Deals. I own Click N Loans. I've been in the space forever and always like to expand my business relationships. My email is james@click-n-loans.com and office is 561-525-5497.