Quote Originally Posted by AMERICApital1 View Post
Owes approx 600k in total according to payoff letters doing over 1mm/mo. Travel agency. Who does a true consolidation. If I can't get that merchant will take a 5th. Direct funders only.
What's the gross profit margin on $1M in the travel agency business - 10%

You have a business owner drowning in debt ($600K) and you want to give him a 5th?

I will never say never in the MCA Industry, but, if some funder would go a 5th - just put a fork in the business.
He/she is going out of business.

Depending on the financials, a true consolidation may (a slim maybe) may be doable

You may be better off securing a CFO for them, my question would be what does a travel agency do with $600K in MCA $$$ ?