MCA needed for General Contractor
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  1. #1
    Member Reputation points: 4934
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    MCA needed for General Contractor

    I have a client that is a General Contractor just starting to expand his business and is looking for an MCA. Last four months, he has averaged $9,000 a month in gross revenues. Middle FICO of 567. He has been in business for 12 years but previously was acting as an consultant until this year. Need to know what would be his maximum advance amount.

    Tom Harrier
    Integrity Commercial Loans, LLC

  2. #2
    don't waste your time

  3. #3
    Senior Member Reputation points: 41959
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    Aug 2018

    Quote Originally Posted by MissouriBroker1 View Post
    I have a client that is a General Contractor just starting to expand his business and is looking for an MCA. Last four months, he has averaged $9,000 a month in gross revenues. Middle FICO of 567. He has been in business for 12 years but previously was acting as an consultant until this year. Need to know what would be his maximum advance amount.

    Tom Harrier
    Integrity Commercial Loans, LLC
    Bitty ironwood superfastcap everest (vader) maybe merchant market place may help here. Probably 4-5k or 3k mca man.

  4. #4
    Member Reputation points: 4934
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    Alfred, I'm not looking for your negative comments. If you have nothing constructive to offer, don't bother.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Reputation points: 73821 Olderguy's Avatar
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    If he has any property, I can do a hard money property loan with that Fico.
    Steve Benjamin
    Professional Business Loans

    522 Contessa
    Irvine, CA 92620
    Broker, Underwriter, general business loan expert

    @ 24 hour funding working capital loans
    @ Term loans from 3 years to 10 years at 9.5% and up
    @ Equipment financing up to 7 years
    @ Property loans - Hard Money and traditional - Primary, Investment, commercial, land, fix and flip, construction.
    @ SBA loans - 7A and 504.
    @ Private money equity and debt for major investments
    @ Personal Loans up to gross income from personal tax return.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by MissouriBroker1 View Post
    Alfred, I'm not looking for your negative comments. If you have nothing constructive to offer, don't bother.
    the business owner does 9k a month with 567 cr you wasted everyone's time on this forum today congrats do you alway play with bones that have no meat on it ?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by MissouriBroker1 View Post
    Alfred, I'm not looking for your negative comments. If you have nothing constructive to offer, don't bother.
    couldn't agree more with you .

  8. #8
    Senior Member Reputation points: 23755
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerhousecapital View Post
    the business owner does 9k a month with 567 cr you wasted everyone's time on this forum today congrats do you alway play with bones that have no meat on it ?
    Why are you shaming him?

    This is a file he got in.. either offer advice or shut your trap.

    Wasted your time? Who the hell are you?!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by goatFunding View Post
    Why are you shaming him?

    This is a file he got in.. either offer advice or shut your trap.

    Wasted your time? Who the hell are you?!
    no your right this deal is SICK keep running it i bet every lender cant wait to see it lmfao

  10. #10
    Crazy how you guys cant take the truth. Alfred is offering the best advice. The merchant is a waste of time. Also Missouri broker, your time is valuable, while your spending time working on this guy your missing out on other guys that can actually qualify for a cash advance. Anyone telling you otherwise doesn't know what they are talking about, and if they claim they do , i would love to see their book of business for a good laugh.

  11. #11
    Member Reputation points: 4934
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    What I find sad about some of the responses is the negativity from several posters, who have nothing constructive to offer. Just a need to offer their opinions. With 30 years as a commercial loan broker, I have learned to value almost every legitimate request for funding. While it is true for this deal that is is a very small deal, to the borrower, it is a much needed cash infusion to grow his business. My time is minimal on it but for him, it could end up being a valuable service. Most large businesses started out small and grew with some financial help along the way and they will always remember who helped them when they were small. My thanks to Zonefund and goatFunding for offering positive and helpful comments. Apparently I was mistaken that this was a forum for us to help each other, not waste my time and your own time by offering snarky and negative comments. There is an adage that states "Arrogance is an unhealthy ego in need of repair."

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by MissouriBroker1 View Post
    What I find sad about some of the responses is the negativity from several posters, who have nothing constructive to offer. Just a need to offer their opinions. With 30 years as a commercial loan broker, I have learned to value almost every legitimate request for funding. While it is true for this deal that is is a very small deal, to the borrower, it is a much needed cash infusion to grow his business. My time is minimal on it but for him, it could end up being a valuable service. Most large businesses started out small and grew with some financial help along the way and they will always remember who helped them when they were small. My thanks to Zonefund and goatFunding for offering positive and helpful comments. Apparently I was mistaken that this was a forum for us to help each other, not waste my time and your own time by offering snarky and negative comments. There is an adage that states "Arrogance is an unhealthy ego in need of repair."
    save the sobe story and go sell insursure or something this isn't for you

  13. #13
    Senior Member Reputation points: 41959
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    Also if those fail elevate funding or merchant cash group, possibly.

    I try to fund everything. Even a 5k deal satisfies me. Its positive energy to keep rolling.

  14. #14
    Member Reputation points: 4934
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    "powerhousecapital", your 5th grade level grammar and spelling aside, 30 years as a commercial loan broker and 29 years as a licensed Florida real estate broker would indicate otherwise.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by MissouriBroker1 View Post
    "powerhousecapital", your 5th grade level grammar and spelling aside, 30 years as a commercial loan broker and 29 years as a licensed Florida real estate broker would indicate otherwise.
    30 years in the game and you still waste time on this bull**** jesus your never going to learn i see

  16. #16
    Member Reputation points: 4934
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    "powerhousecapital", Might I suggest attending an adult education grammar course. As Maurice Switzer said (not Mark Twain) ""It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it." In your case, better to not type at all and prevent exposing your ignorance and arrogance.

  17. #17
    Senior Member Reputation points: 118209 ridextreme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissouriBroker1 View Post
    Need to know what would be his maximum advance amount.
    Max funding amounts vary from funder to funder, if he even gets an approval.

    How much is he looking for? If he's looking for 15 to 25K plus, he's SOL. Set him straight about that now before wasting your time. If he's only looking for 3 to 5K, tell him you'll submit it and let him know what they come back with.

  18. #18
    Senior Member Reputation points: 340530
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissouriBroker1 View Post
    "powerhousecapital", Might I suggest attending an adult education grammar course. As Maurice Switzer said (not Mark Twain) ""It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it." In your case, better to not type at all and prevent exposing your ignorance and arrogance.
    Never try to compete with crazy and never try to negotiate with stupid.
    Kevin Henry
    VP-Business Development
    Seacoast Business Funding, a division of Seacoast Bank
    1880 N Congress Ave., Suite 404
    Boynton Beach, FL 33426

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Hedley Lamarr View Post
    Never try to compete with crazy and never try to negotiate with stupid.
    9k a month 567 Cr general contractor LOL

  20. #20
    MissouriBroker1 I'm so sorry for the negative comment, I hope you fund every 9k file you get......


  21. #21
    Member Reputation points: 16032 Finance's Avatar
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    Honestly, I see both sides of the scenario here. Powerhousecapital, unfortunately in this circumstance, you are in the wrong, but before you take offense, let me explain something of value that can be extracted from this:

    Powerhouse, you must adhere to the reality that the industry we reside in has programmed us to conflate a prospective clients low revenue with the idea that the owner of the entity is subpar; but powerhouse, arguably some of the most substantive notions that one who wishes to attain success must maintain are one, their ability to put themselves in other peoples shoes, and two, to NEVER forget where they came from if they've already attained success. Powerhouse, you aren't infallible, nor am I, which is why I can say with a visceral understanding that at one point in your nascent stage of the game, you would be working files just as the one discussed above with aspiration, drive, and prospective hope. Why? Because you had no awareness to do anything aside from that, you didn't know about the correlation between revenue and approval amount, but others around you did, and they wrote you off as a new guy who doesn't know any better than to be excited over a seemingly fruitless file. I was there at one point, you were there at some point, we ALL were; so if we all generally started off in similar stature, what makes all of us different? The principles we operate by after exiting our nascent periods, the gems of knowledge we've acquired and applied to our daily habits and operations, the ability to maintain humility even if you just made an exuberant amount of money last month, which is easy to do if you never forget where you came from.

    Now, with that being said, imagine the idea of a man being in the broker game for 3 decades and he gets a file that by definition due to poor revenue, will not pay him much, but he STILL treats it the same as he would treat a transaction with meat on the bone, and he even goes as far as to creating a public forum post in an industry known to scrutinize each other without reticence, knowing he looks like a menial player by making a post about a seemingly dismal file, and still does it.

    The perceptual mind is capable of revealing the unspoken, when I'm doing business, I will always deeply analyze a persons words and actions to create my own mental delineation of their motives as a built in hedge with how I operate to mitigate the inherent potentiality of a negative outcome. The revelatory unspoken notions I've been presented with here are that a man who operates the way MissouriBroker1 is operating, is a man who shouldn't be castigated, but rather respected; because if you think of it the way I've outlined above, you'd come to the clamoring conclusion that he's operating within strict bounds of professionalism, class, and most importantly, humility.

    None of us are infallible, I'm certainly not, but I can tell you operating the way Missouri seems to operate is about as close to infallible as we can get in this business because imagine being able to retain the neoteny level aspiration you had when you first started, after 30 years of transacting. Respect to you Missouri, and I don't say that lightly. Powerhouse, I'm not admonishing you, this is more of a "pull up" or "correction" from someone who's acquired success in the space from living and operating by a humility-based ideology.

    As Napoleon Hill said: "The person who stops studying merely because he has finished school is forever hopelessly doomed to mediocrity." My applicational thought process on that statement is that in life, you never want to be too good, or too successful to learn more, because the very second you've concluded that your mental gas tank is full, is the very second you transition from progressive development to eternal stagnation.
    Last edited by Finance; 08-30-2023 at 04:01 PM.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Finance View Post
    Honestly, I see both sides of the scenario here. Powerhousecapital, unfortunately in this circumstance, you are in the wrong, but before you take offense, let me explain something of value that can be extracted from this:

    Powerhouse, you must adhere to the reality that the industry we reside in has programmed us to conflate a prospective clients low revenue with the idea that the owner of the entity is subpar; but powerhouse, arguably some of the most substantive notions that one who wishes to attain success must maintain is their ability to one, be able to put themselves in other peoples shoes, but two, to NEVER forget where they came from if they've already attained success. Powerhouse, you aren't infallible nor am I, which is why I can say with a visceral understanding that at one point in your nascent stage on the game, you would be working files just as the one discussed above with aspiration, drive, and prospective hope. Why? Because you had no awareness to do anything aside from that, you didn't know about the correlation between revenue and approval amount, but others around you did, and they wrote you off as a new guy who doesn't know any better than to be excited over a seemingly fruitless file. I was there at one point, you were there at some point, we ALL were; so if we all generally started off in similar stature, what makes all of us different? The principles we operate by after exiting our nascent periods, the gems of knowledge we've acquired and applied to our daily habits and operations, the ability to maintain humility even if you just made an exuberant amount of money last month, which is easy to do if you never forget where you came from.

    Now, with that being said, imagine the idea of a man being in the broker game for 3 decades and he gets a file that by definition due to poor revenue, will not pay him much, but he STILL treats it the same as he would treat a transaction with meat on the bone, and he even goes as far as to creating a public forum post in an industry known to scrutinize each other without reticence, knowing he looks like a menial player by making a post about a seemingly dismal file, and still does it.

    The perceptual mind is capable of revealing the unspoken, when I'm doing business, I will always deeply analyze a persons words and actions to create my own mental delineation of their motives as a built in hedge with how I operate to mitigate the inherent potentiality of a negative outcome. The revelatory unspoken notions I've been presented with here are that a man who operates the way MissouriBroker1 is operating, is a man who shouldn't be castigated, but rather respected; because if you think of it the way I've outlined above, you'd come to the clamoring conclusion that he's operating within strict bounds of professionalism, class, and most importantly, humility.

    None of us are infallible, I'm certainly not, but I can tell you operating the way Missouri seems to operate is about as close to infallible as we can get in this business because imagine being able to retain the neoteny level aspiration you had when you first started, after 30 years of transacting. Respect to you Missouri, and I don't say that lightly. Powerhouse, I'm not admonishing you, this is more of a "pull up" or "correction" from someone who's acquired success in the space from living and operating by a humility-based ideology.

    As Napoleon Hill said: "The person who stops studying merely because he has finished school is forever hopelessly doomed to mediocrity." My applicational though process on that statement is that in life, you never want to be too good, or too successful to learn more in life, because the very second you've concluded that your mental gas tank is full, is the very second you transition from progressive development to eternal stagnation.
    stop are kidding me you took the time to type all of that, you 100% run 5k files. lol this is so funny how you all defend this guy instead of being men and saying (YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME WITH THIS FILE) i bet 25k this guy has 0 offers on this file.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by powerhousecapital View Post
    stop are kidding me you took the time to type all of that, you 100% run 5k files. lol this is so funny how you all defend this guy instead of being men and saying (YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME WITH THIS FILE) i bet 25k this guy has 0 offers on this file.
    I have I missed something about 5k files?

  24. #24
    Senior Member Reputation points: 54849 JasonBishop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerhousecapital View Post
    stop are kidding me you took the time to type all of that, you 100% run 5k files. lol this is so funny how you all defend this guy instead of being men and saying (YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME WITH THIS FILE) i bet 25k this guy has 0 offers on this file.
    Someone hold this guy to the $25K Wager. Let him put his money where is mouth is. Someone offer that owner that $5K and then try to collect the wager - let's see who the real winner is. I bet that guy who runs that business and needs some money for whatever reason is more stand up than this guy. If he doesn't pay the wager, don't ever take him serious on here (not that anyone is).

  25. #25
    Senior Member Reputation points: 227882
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerhousecapital View Post
    stop are kidding me you took the time to type all of that, you 100% run 5k files. lol this is so funny how you all defend this guy instead of being men and saying (YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME WITH THIS FILE) i bet 25k this guy has 0 offers on this file.
    I can vouch for finance. He tries to help everyone. He built a platform to help other brokers, as well as his own extremely high-quality files that I've also come across. I also remember my first deal:
    Spanish-speaking owner, small restaurant in Texas. Yellowstone was the only obvious option that I knew about at the time. Foreign sub-brokers brought it to us to fund, I had no clue what I was doing and I was doing it with a partner. Commissions were $500. COJ needed to be notarized, so we paid for and set up The first time it didn't work properly, so we paid a second time to do it again. We split the commissions with the sub-broker for 50%. $500 become $450 which become $225, and I was only getting 1/3 with my ex-partner. $75 commissions to me, and after SS, I walked away with a $63.52

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