Over time there have been some posts that accuse DF of being a pay-to-play forum. This is humorous because DF hardly makes any money at all.

There are 13,689 members on the forum and only 16 companies in the category of funding that pay to advertise. 16 companies out of 13,689 members.


Stranger yet, some of the companies accused of getting special treatment because of how much they allegedly pay us aren't advertisers, don't pay us anything, and have no relationship with DF at all.

If you're soliciting deals: disclose your address, disclose who you are, have a legit website, use a business email, explain if you are a broker or funder, explain your product, disclose what states you can operate in, provide any supporting info like a LinkedIn or something. This is not controversial, nor indicative of pay-to-play.

There is some unusual bitterness bubbling up around requiring basic transparency but transparency is necessary.