Gentlemen, If I may, I believe we must be conceptually aggregate here. I will expound on what I mean by that, but also on the message conveyed by the admin from my perspective.

The philosophical underpinning associated with the admins message is that we reside in an industry that requires us to be perceptually shrewd in the absolute purest form possible; because if we aren't, what will become of us is that of an individual who has been chewed up and spit out by the substantive multitude of calamity that this industry can inherently present. An oversimplified platitude for this is "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it's probably a duck.", and in our industry even IF the "duck" deviates from the standard and isn't truly what we assumed them to be, for example a lender you've never heard of who's marketing a specific program you could utilize but you refrained because of your own skepticism; it's not like you'll never regain the opportunity of partnership.

Guys, the price of excellence is eternal vigilance. If you are shrewd, If you've truly put the extensive level of time required to operate within the bounds of our space proficiently, your advocation of a "Banned Members List" should be nonexistent. This isn't a jab at anybody in particular but rather the opposite, it's really a presentation of the reality of your own capabilities because what will a Banned Member List do that a veteran in the industry can't already do and actively does on a daily basis? Broker, Lender, Investor, it doesn't matter who you are, if you reside in this space, if you've embedded yourself in the space enough to the point that you actively participate in a forum dedicated to the space, it's a visceral requirement to be vigilant whether it's a decision to fund a client for a lender or an implemented hedge against getting back-doored for a broker, it's already inherently amongst your own purview to operationally engage with everything associated in the same fashion.

Lastly, if you're in the nascent stage of your career here, giving you a resource like a Banned Member List would be doing a disservice to you because getting fooled by malevolently deceptive people will inevitably be a seminal part of your positive progression. Pain breeds growth. If a deceptive party superimposes themselves to the point of fooling you it's a reflection of your own ability of perceptual cogency or lack there of; which isn't a bad thing, it just means you take the experience, learn from it, and become that much better. The "Banned Member List" represents a short cut, the "Banned Member List" can represent many things, it just happens to be what it is here, but it's the equivalent of the short cut mentality, the hiring of security instead of learning how to defend yourself, and in this industry, "hiring security instead of learning how to defend yourself" will hurt nobody aside from your own self in the end.